Daily News

The Whole Story Behind Cam Newton

The real story of Cam Newton



photo taken by Adrian Curiel

Cam Newton’s relationship with the media continues its misunderstood narrative this week after the New England Patriots announced releasing the former MVP and their current quarterback. Many news outlets have painted Cam as a failure and washed-up quarterback, but Trevor Moawad, world-renown performance expert, reminds us that language is the carrier, and when you speak negative thoughts aloud, it can make those sentiments 10x more potent than simply thinking them.

Negative language has since diminished Cam’s value. The question then comes to mind is, do we have the right to paint Cam Newton as only a football player? He is still human, of course. Should the results of on-field play determine the final verse of one’s life story, let alone Newton’s in the NFL? These are all questions we believe to be of great significance this week. Newton is just one prime example, but many other athletes that have “dropped off in performance” have received similar dis-sentimental reactions.

Yes, it is the job and duty of many in the sports industry to evaluate player’s performances constantly. But is it their job to judge character based on performance? Cam Newton has always been more than a good player on the field. Cam is an outspoken community member and has used his platform as a professional football player to provide inspiration and hope. Cam’s passion for helping others and using his story as motivation should not be overlooked or dismissed for anything less than it is: honest, genuine, and inspirational.

Mentors like Trevor Moawad would encourage us to use Cam as an example when talking about performance-based language. This new way of thinking includes those in the media as well as friends and family that follow various sports leagues; by replacing negative phrases with positive ones, you can begin to see things differently – talk about Cam’s leadership qualities, what he looks like after his starting role in the NFL as of now we are all unsure of his return.

There is a difference between saying, “Cam Newton is completely overrated,” and saying, “Cam Newton as an NFL starting quarterback may not be of caliber anymore.” Our language, especially in media, changes the narrative of a story. Cam may not be the Cam we once knew and remembered, but he is still Cam, still human.

There will always be a way to talk about how you feel without using negative words or phrases addressing or targeting another person’s character. Labeling and focusing on Cam’s football talent and performance no matter what role he holds next in his career or life are unacceptable. And remember this for all athletes because it could easily be your story next.

1 Comment

  1. llmb

    September 5, 2021 at 4:16 pm

    Excellent narrative of always treating people with respect & humanity, no
    judgement & focus on more empathy.

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